where `[MetaCLADE2_DIR]` is MetaCLADE2 installation directory.
### MetaCLADE model library
MetaCLADE2 is no more compatible with the Pfam27-based library built for MetaCLADE v1.
An improved version of the model library (currently based on Pfam32) can be downloaded here: [metaclade\_pfam32.tar.gz](http://gitlab.lcqb.upmc.fr/vicedomini/metaclade2)
The gzipped tar archive has to be extracted with the command `tar -xf metaclade_pfam32.tar.gz`.
By default the `CCMs` and `HMMs` directories are expected to be found in the `data/models/` path relative to the main MetaCLADE directory.
It is however possible to put MetaCLADE's model library in a custom location, and set the absolute paths of both the `CCMs` and `HMMs` directories
with a user configuration file (see the section below).
The `CCMsRed` correpond to a reduced version of the full `CCMs` library. It should provide faster run times, however with decreased annotation perfomances.
To use such a library in place of the `CCMs` library, a user configuration file should be provided (see the section below).
The `ccms_path` parameter has to be set with the absolute path of the `CCMsRed` directory.
### User configuration file (optional)
MetaCLADE2 optionnally accepts a configuration file that allows the user to set custom paths to the MetaCLADE2 model library, to HMMER-3, and Phyton3.
The file could be provided with the option `--user-cfg`.
Lines starting with a semicolon are not taken into account and are considered as comments. You **must** also provide absolute paths.
@@ -89,20 +117,6 @@ It is finally possible to delete intermediate files (after a successful executio
In case MetaCLADE2 does not terminate successfully, such files have to be manually deleted.
#### Optional MetaCLADE2 configuration file
MetaCLADE2 optionnally accepts a configuration file that allows the user to set custom paths to the MetaCLADE2 model library, to HMMER-3, and Phyton3.
The file could be provided with the option `--user-cfg`.
Lines starting with a semicolon are not taken into account and are considered as comments. You **must** also provide absolute paths.
;ccms_path = /absolute/path/to/models/CCMs
;hmms_path = /absolute/path/to/models/HMMs
;hmmer_path = "/absolute/path/to/hmmer-3/bin"
;python_path = "/absolute/path/to/python3/bin"
# MetaCLADE2 output architecture
The domain architecture for the sequences provided in input is saved as a TSV file to `[WORKING_DIR]/[DATASET_NAME]/[DATASET_NAME].arch.tsv` (or to the path specified with the `-o|--output` argument.
Each line represents a domain annotation and has the following fields/columns: