Commit 66d2e09b by Maureen MUSCAT

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parent 71a120bc
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### FilterDCA
### interpretable supervised contact prediction using inter-domain coevolution
FilterDCA used 2 features to compute a probability of being a contact for a cople (i,j) in domain1 and domain2.
The first feauture is the result of the method plmDCA
The second one is a pattern score wich can be computed using the script and the maps given.
To use the script you need:
- the result of plmDCA for the join-MSA of the 2 domains ;
- the lengh of the 2 domains ;
- the size of filters you want to use : 5, 13, 21, 37, 45 or 69 ;
- and to set the size of the M effictive ('medium' if under 200 and 'big' otherwise).
In the 2 folders you can find:
- the 6 maps (3 corresponding to helix-helix contact, and 3 for strand-strand contacts) for each of the possibles size (5, 13, 21, 37, 45 or 69)
- the classifier, and the 'min' 'max' and value to normalise the correlation/ pattern score
You can then produice :
- the pattern score: the best correlation score matrix
- the matrix of probabililty of contact
- and finaly the predicted contact map
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