Commit 40d363b6 by DLA-Ranker

Update DLA-Ranker.yml

parent 47a20684
name: null
name: dla_ranker
- pytorch
- conda-forge
- defaults
- anaconda
- pytorch
- bokeh=1.4
- cmake=3.16 # insures that Gloo library extensions will be built
- python=3.8
- compilers
- cudnn=7.6
- cudatoolkit=10.1
- cudatoolkit-dev=10.1
- cupti=10.1
- cxx-compiler=1.0 # insures C and C++ compilers are available
- jupyterlab=1.2
- mpi4py=3.0 # installs cuda-aware openmpi
- nccl=2.5
- nodejs=13
- nvcc_linux-64=10.1 # configures environment to be "cuda-aware"
- pip=20.0
- pytorch-gpu=1.7.1
- torchvision=0.8.2
- cmake
- jupyterlab
- mpi4py
- nodejs
- pandas
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- scikit-learn
- prody
- lz4
- pip
- pip:
- mxnet-cu101mkl==1.6.* # MXNET is installed prior to horovod
- -r file:requirements.txt
- python=3.7
- pytorch=1.4
- tensorboard=2.2
- tensorflow-gpu=2.2
- torchvision=0.5
- tensorflow-gpu==2.3
- pypdb
- ipython
- bokeh
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