Commit 9b241008 by Chloe Dequeker

HEX rotation matrix

parent 6d203d08
......@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ struct pdb_values* rotate_HEX(struct pdb_values* pdb, struct pdb_values* pdbR, s
xi = pdb->residues[i].x[j] - pdb->centerX;
yi = pdb->residues[i].y[j] - pdb->centerY;
zi = pdb->residues[i].z[j] - pdb->centerZ;
xi = pdb->residues[i].x[j]; // - pdb->centerX;
yi = pdb->residues[i].y[j]; // - pdb->centerY;
zi = pdb->residues[i].z[j]; // - pdb->centerZ;
/* alpha rotation of the residue */
......@@ -93,12 +93,16 @@ struct pdb_values* rotate_HEX(struct pdb_values* pdb, struct pdb_values* pdbR, s
z3i = (xZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)-yZ*s_g)*x2i + (yZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)+xZ*s_g)*y2i + (zZ*zZ+(1.0-zZ*zZ)*c_g) *z2i;
x3i = (c_a*c_b*c_g-s_a*s_g) * xi + (-c_a*c_b*s_g-s_a*c_g) * yi + (c_a*s_b) * zi;
y3i = (c_a*s_g+s_a*c_b*c_g) * xi + (-s_a*c_b*s_g+c_a*c_g) * yi + (s_a*s_b) * zi;
z3i = (-s_b*c_g) * xi + (s_b*s_g) * yi + (c_b) * zi;
/* Now the residue has been rotated, and we need to translate it
* to its final destination
newPDB->residues[i].x[j] = x3i + newX;
newPDB->residues[i].y[j] = y3i + newY;
newPDB->residues[i].z[j] = z3i + newZ;
newPDB->residues[i].x[j] = x3i + trans_X;
newPDB->residues[i].y[j] = y3i + trans_Y;
newPDB->residues[i].z[j] = z3i + trans_Z;
/* We also translate the coordinates of the first and fifth CA, even
* though they are not used afterwards. This is for the sake of
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