genome="Mo12_2014"# Declaring the genome ID variable
fr_ln="150"# Declaring the fragment length used for sequencing
autosome_sum_length="2937639396"# Declaring the sum of the length of all autosomes in the reference, third column of the Data/References/hg38/hg38.ungapped.lengths file
echo"Performing the pipeline for $genome sequenced with fragment lenght equals to $fr_ln bp and mapped to the reference hg38.
All necessary packages and programs are installed in the conda environmente named "CNVconda", all scripts are in /shared/home/righettin/Scripts directory."
All necessary packages and programs are installed in the conda environmente named "CNVconda", all scripts are in /Scripts directory."
@@ -30,24 +30,24 @@ The output is then processed through some filters."
zcat $starting_gz | sed 's/chr//g' | gzip -c>$ending_gz# take out "chr" from the file
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ zcat $starting_gz | sed 's/chr//g' | gzip -c > $ending_gz # take out "chr" fro
echo"Coverage of Protein-Coding Genes computed and stored in /shared/home/righetti/Analyses/Data_preparation/$genome/$genome.hg38.genes.protein_coding.coverage.gz."