Commit c0aa06da by righetti2

Update CNV_Analyses.slurm

parent 9b61fda6
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=CNVs #SBATCH --job-name=CNVs
#SBATCH --output=/shared/home/righettin/Analyses/slurm_outputs/CNVs.out #SBATCH --output=Analyses/slurm_outputs/CNVs.out
#SBATCH --error=/shared/home/righettin/Analyses/slurm_outputs/CNVs.error #SBATCH --error=Analyses/slurm_outputs/CNVs.error
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=48 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=48
#SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --nodes=1
# Define paths # Define paths
root_dir="/shared/home/righettin/Analyses/CNV_estimates" root_dir="Analyses/CNV_estimates"
analysis_dir="$root_dir/analysis" analysis_dir="$root_dir/analysis"
genes_id2name="/shared/home/righettin/Data/References/hg38/geneID2name_hg38_Apr24.tsv" genes_id2name="Data/References/hg38/geneID2name_hg38_Apr24.tsv"
paralogs="/shared/home/righettin/Data/References/hg38/paralogs_hg38_Apr24.txt" paralogs="Data/References/hg38/paralogs_hg38_Apr24.txt"
# 1) Concatenate all CNV estimates in a single file # 1) Concatenate all CNV estimates in a single file
echo "1) Concatenating all CNV estimates in a single file:" echo "1) Concatenating all CNV estimates in a single file:"
...@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ echo "Decimal places removed from the fifth column of $output_file." ...@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ echo "Decimal places removed from the fifth column of $output_file."
# 3) Compute Gene Matrix # 3) Compute Gene Matrix
echo "3) Computing Gene Matrix for all genomes:" echo "3) Computing Gene Matrix for all genomes:"
python3 /shared/home/righettin/Scripts/CNV_scripts/ -t $output_file -d $genes_id2name -p $paralogs > $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.ALL.tsv python3 Scripts/CNV_scripts/ -t $output_file -d $genes_id2name -p $paralogs > $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.ALL.tsv
echo "Gene Matrix for all genomes computed and saved as $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.ALL.tsv." echo "Gene Matrix for all genomes computed and saved as $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.ALL.tsv."
echo "Since this contains all genes, it can be filtered to retain only genes that have a gain or a loss in at least one archaic genome compared to the human reference:" echo "Since this contains all genes, it can be filtered to retain only genes that have a gain or a loss in at least one archaic genome compared to the human reference:"
python /shared/home/righettin/Scripts/CNV_scripts/ -t $output_file -d $genes_id2name -p $paralogs | python Scripts/CNV_scripts/ -t $output_file -d $genes_id2name -p $paralogs |
awk 'NR==1{print;next} {for(i=5;i<=NF;i++){ if($i/$4<0.5||$i/$4>1.5){print;next} }}' > $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.tsv awk 'NR==1{print;next} {for(i=5;i<=NF;i++){ if($i/$4<0.5||$i/$4>1.5){print;next} }}' > $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.tsv
echo "Results are in $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.tsv." echo "Results are in $analysis_dir/AllGenomes.type.nobl.cnv.matrix.tsv."
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