Commit 192b4988 by Chloe Dequeker

typo and cleaning datatestDir

parent 343a975d
LYS 41 A
GLY 43 A
LEU 72 A
ARG 74 A
TYR 94 A
GLU 95 A
ASN 96 A
SER 97 A
PRO 98 A
GLU 99 A
GLU 105 A
THR 197 A
VAL 198 A
LYS 31 L
TYR 49 L
TYR 50 L
THR 52 L
SER 53 L
LEU 54 L
ALA 55 L
GLY 57 L
PRO 59 L
SER 60 L
SER 65 L
GLY 66 L
SER 67 L
TYR 102 H
TYR 103 H
GLN 39 L
LYS 41 L
LEU 45 L
THR 47 L
ARG 56 L
GLY 59 L
ALA 62 L
THR 82 L
GLU 83 L
PRO 112 L
ASP 141 L
GLN 170 L
SER 171 L
ASN 172 L
ASN 173 L
LYS 174 L
SER 143 H
MET 144 H
GLY 166 H
SER 169 H
SER 170 H
GLY 171 H
HIS 173 H
THR 191 H
PRO 193 H
GLU 200 H
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GLN 39 L
LYS 41 L
LEU 45 L
THR 47 L
ARG 56 L
GLY 59 L
ALA 62 L
THR 82 L
GLU 83 L
PRO 112 L
ASP 141 L
GLN 170 L
SER 171 L
ASN 172 L
ASN 173 L
LYS 174 L
SER 143 H
MET 144 H
GLY 166 H
SER 169 H
SER 170 H
GLY 171 H
HIS 173 H
THR 191 H
PRO 193 H
GLU 200 H
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ struct argLine* parseLineOfArgument(int argc, char** argv){
if(access(dockingFile,F_OK) == -1){
if(access(dockingFile,F_OK) == -1 && !complexPDB){
/* File does not exists, 4 file in this case
* Return NULL, which should be treated accordingly
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