Commit 11b33f7d by Chloe Dequeker

comments done !

parent 472aa481
......@@ -34,17 +34,43 @@ struct pdb_values* rotate_sophie(struct pdb_values* pdb, struct pdb_values* pdbR
float x2i = 0, y2i = 0, z2i = 0;
float x3i = 0, y3i = 0, z3i = 0;
// cosinuses and sinuses of d_angle
/* cosinuses and sinuses of the rotation angles dalpha, dbeta and dgamma
* In this function, alpha = dalpha, beta = dbeta, gamma = dgamma
float c_a=cos(alpha),s_a=sin(alpha);
float c_b=cos(beta),s_b=sin(beta);
float c_g=cos(gamma),s_g=sin(gamma);
/* The angles alpha0, beta0, gamma0 corresponds to the angles for the axis
* (origin,CA1 rotated by alpha), (origin, CA1 rotated by beta) and
* (origin, CA5 rotated by alpha then beta) respectively
* We name these axis :
* N : (origin,CA1 rotated by alpha)
* Z : (origin, CA5 rotated by alpha then beta)
* The axis N therefore has the coordinates :
* xN : c_a0
* yN : s_a0
* zN : 0
* This axis is fixed when performing the rotation beta
float c_a0=cos(dock_res->alpha[nConf]),s_a0=sin(dock_res->alpha[nConf]);
float c_b0=cos(dock_res->beta[nConf]), s_b0=sin(dock_res->beta[nConf]);
/* These values correspond to the final rotation axis obtained after rotating
* the Y axis by an angle of alpha0 then beta0*/
float rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0;
float xN = c_a0;
float yN = s_a0;
float zN = 0;
/* The coordinates of the unit vector for the axis Z can be computed as such :
* xZ : -s_a0 * c_b0
* yZ : c_a0 * c_b0
* zZ : s_b0
* */
float xZ = -s_a0*c_b0;
float yZ = c_a0*c_b0;
float zZ = s_b0;
if(newPDB == NULL){
newPDB = allocate_pdb(pdb->nbRes);
......@@ -71,21 +97,14 @@ struct pdb_values* rotate_sophie(struct pdb_values* pdb, struct pdb_values* pdbR
/* beta rotation of the residue */
/* We compute the value for the last rotation axis
* from the angles alpha0, beta0 and gamma0
rx = -s_a0*c_b0;
ry = c_a0*c_b0;
rz = s_b0;
x2i = (xN*xN+(1.0-xN*xN)*c_b)*x1i + xN*yN*(1.0-c_b)*y1i + yN*s_b*z1i;
y2i = xN*yN*(1.0-c_b)*x1i + (yN*yN+(1.0-yN*yN)*c_b)*y1i - xN*s_b*z1i;
z2i = -yN*s_b*x1i + xN*s_b*y1i + c_b*z1i;
// gamma rotation of the residue
x3i = (xZ*xZ+(1.0-xZ*xZ)*c_g) *x2i + (xZ*yZ*(1.0-c_g)-zZ*s_g)*y2i + (xZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)+yZ*s_g)*z2i;
y3i = (xZ*yZ*(1.0-c_g)+zZ*s_g)*x2i + (yZ*yZ+(1.0-yZ*yZ)*c_g) *y2i + (yZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)-xZ*s_g)*z2i;
z3i = (xZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)-yZ*s_g)*x2i + (yZ*zZ*(1.0-c_g)+xZ*s_g)*y2i + (zZ*zZ+(1.0-zZ*zZ)*c_g) *z2i;
/* Now the residue has been rotated, and we need to translate it
......@@ -118,9 +137,11 @@ struct pdb_values* rotate_sophie(struct pdb_values* pdb, struct pdb_values* pdbR
void getAnglesFromCA1andCA5_sophie(struct pdb_values* pdb, float* alpha, float* beta, float* gamma){
/* The goal of this function is to find the angles alpha, beta and gamma that correspond
* to the angles alpha and beta of the first CA of the protein
* We then have to rotate the fifth CA by the angle alpha, then beta in order to compute the gamma angle
/* In this function, we first need to find the initial angles alpha and beta that correspond
* to the angles alpha and beta for the first CA of the protein.
* Then, we need to apply a rotation alpha around the axis Z, then a rotation beta
* around the axis X on the fifth atom CA of the protein.
* The coordinates of the then rotated atom CA 5 will give us the initial angle gamma
*alpha = 0;
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